Contact & Infos

Prof. Barbara Demeneix
Switchbox Coordinator
+ 33 1 40 79 36 07

Ms. Joanne Burden
Switchbox Project Manager

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Successive ages of man :
François Lachiver
CNRS scientist, born in 1921


Management structure

The project is managed at 2 principal levels.

First level
SWITCHBOX WP leaders and Project Management Team

The Project Management team (PMT), and the Leaders of WP2, WP3 and WP4 will ensure that all research activities are developed in full respect of the legal and ethical European/national/institutional requirements and codes of practices. An Internal Bioethical and Safety Board (IBSB) constituted by 5 members of the consortium whom have expertise in legal, ethical and safety issues (one of each country participating). The IBSB will assist the PMT to fully implement and adhere to national and European guidelines and regulations.

Second level
Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)

The management structure of the project will include an external Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), which will include 2 (or more) independent experts on scientific and ethics issues from outside the consortium. In addition to their scientific appraisal of the project, the SAB will ensure animal protection and welfare concerns are addressed and advise the Project Management Committee on the involvement of human volunteers in any part of the project.